Plot summary: Financial tycoon Fu Jingci was poisoned. When he woke up, he found that he and Bai Zhenxi had switched bodies. He dealt with the stepsister's provocation, the scumbag's calculations, and Green Tea's conspiracy, and started to fight against the sky and the earth, tearing the slut apart with his own hands, and developed feelings for Baek Jin-hee who used his own body while exchanging information and fighting against the enemy together. Drama title: "After swapping bodies with the boss, I shocked the audience" Total number of episodes: 89 episodes. Currently, 89 episodes have been completed. Copyright status: Copyright registration has been made Length: 1-2 minutes per episode Hello everyone, we are Daily skits All short dramas in this account are officially authorized. If there is any infringement, please be sure! Original short dramas are updated daily, focusing on female films: sweet pets, cute babies, CEOs, romance and other themes Welcome to subscribe to our channel and watch the latest short dramas as soon as possible!